Hinnakujundusest Ghanas/ Pricing in Ghana

Hulgi on kallim Buying whole sale will cost you more per one item
Turundan aktiivselt Accra uusimal LED väliekraanil vaba reklaampinda ning uute klientide poole teel olles hüppasin läbi kontoritarbeid müüvast konteinerpoest, mis justkui kingitusena minu tookordsel sõidutrajektoril asub. Vajasin nimelt tarbeid müügimaterjalide köitmiseks ning siinkohal pean kiitma, et olgugi, et tegemist konteinerpoega oli müügikoha tootevalik uskumatult hea. Mulle ei meeldi esitlusmaterjale köita kamm-köitjaga ning tolle väikepoes oli olemas kõik vajalik paberite auguvabalt kokku kõitmiseks.

“Kui palju on pakk neid plastic esikaasi”?
“40 Cedit ja pakis on 100 kaant”
“Ja neid papist tagumisi?”
“Samuti 40”
80 cedit kaantele kulutada ei mahtunud minu selle päeva eelarvesse, tuleb ju lisaks osta sliderid, millede vahele müügimaterjal pigistada.
“Oeh ma pean siis ikka üksikult ostma. Palju üks kaan maksab?“
“20 peesot”
“Oot üks kaan on 20 peesot aga pakk saja kaanega on 40 Cedit???”
“Just nii”
“Hästi palun mulle siis 50 esimest kaant ja 50 tagumist”
“40 Cedit palun”
“Oot miks 40 ma ostan ju üksikud lehed mitte paki?”
“Jah aga 50+50 on 100 ja see teeb terve pakk – 40 Cedit.”
“Oih vabandust kas ma tõesti ütlesin 50 ja 50?? Mul on tegelikult vaja hoopis 49esimest ning 49 tagumist kaant”
“19.60 palun”

Ulatan 20 ning lisan suuremeelselt tagasi pole vaja… 

Tegelikult polnud see armas konteinerpood ainuke koht Ghanas kus taolist “rohkem ostes on kallim” trendi kohtab. Pojale mähkmeid ostes valin alati selle paki kus 8 mähet hinnaga 5 Cedit , sama brandi 16mähkmega pakk maksab 14Cedit. Ehks siis kaks väikest pakki ostes saan sama koguse ja 4 cedit kokkuhoidu.

Hommikuti oleme abikaasaa harjunud kiirnuudleid sööma, ning mingi hetk tekkis mõtte üks haaval jupitamise asemel poest kohe terve kast neid koju hiivata. Olles aga kuulnud hulgikoguse hinda jäime siiski ükshaaval ostmise juurde.
Mitte,et mul oleks kombeks igal pool senti lugeda aga noh ma ei näe tõesti põhjust toodetele peale maksta lihtsalt selle pärast, et ma olen nii rikas, et ma suudan korraga suuri koguseid osta. Või ma ei kujuta ette, mis on see poodnike loogika, mille kohaselt hulgi ostjalt siin hoopis rohkem raha küsitakse.

I am selling actively advertisement space on the newest LED Outdoor screen in Accra. So once I was on the way to meet new customers I jumped by a lovely container shop selling office supplies as it happened to be exactly on my route.
I needed binding materials and I must say that range of products was surprisingly good for one small container shop. When it comes to binding sales materials I prefer slide-binders to combs and this lovely store had everything I need to put my presentations together “without making holes”
“How much is a packet of those plastic cover sheets?”

“40 Cedis, and there is 100 sheets inside”
“And what about those carbon back-covers?”
“Also 40 Cedis”
80 cedis was bit more than I was ready to spend that day, especially as I was yet to add sliders where to squeeze my presentations.
“Oh well I have to buy just few single sheets then. How much is one single sheet?”
“20 pesoas”
“Wait… one sheet 20 pesoas but packet containing 100 sheets is 40 Cedis?”
“That’s right”
“Cool, in that case please I need 50 plastic front covers and 50 carbon ones”
“40 Cedis”
“Why 40? I am not buying packet?”
“50+50 is 100 and 100 is one packet”
“Oh sorry, did I say I need 50+50? It’s actually 49 front covers and 49 back covers what I need”
“Take 20 and keep the change”

Actually this lovely container shop is not the only place in Ghana where I have seen this awkward “it’s more expensive to buy more” trend. When I buy diaper for my son I always choose the package containing 8 nappies for 5 Cedis. While 16 piece package of same brand diapers costs 14 Cedis. So buying two small packages I get same quantity and save 4 Cedis.

Another thing is that me and my husband we are used to have Indomie- noodles as a breakfast, so once I thought it would make sense to buy whole box as we eat them every day. Nope! Buying same quantity one time will be more expensive than to go for one every day.

Not that I am type to count pennies but I just don’t see why should I pay more for goods just because “I am rich enough to buy plenty”. Or what else could be the shopkeeper’s logic why they charge more from those who come for bigger quantities?

Konteinerpood Ghanas

Konteinerpood Ghanas

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